july 4

07-04-15 "dutchman's breeches white"
07-04-15 “dutchman’s breeches white”

digital photo

This photo was taken in early spring, in preparation for these color posts. Remember when it was pleasantly cool out?! Here is a reminder.

july 2

07-02-15 "raspberries red"
07-02-15 “raspberries red”

digital photo

The lovely fruit with the seeds that scare some folks away. But oh, that flavor! Love them (although in recent years it’s only been in de-seeded raspberry puree). We have had a healthy crop this year.

july 1

07-01-15 "daylily orange"
07-01-15 “daylily orange”

digital photo

This month I am going to do a series of digital photos of colors found in nature (and cooking!). My intention is to do it the whole month of July, but I may change my mind if I feel like it. How’s that for commitment!?!

Today’s color is this delightful orange bright daylily.

june 22

06-22-15 "coneflower missiles"
06-22-15 “coneflower missiles”

digital photo

The coneflowers are maturing nicely (those that weren’t devoured by deer), and the centers are getting more and more spiked. These look like they’re ready to launch.

june 17

06-17-15 "glowing coneflower"
06-17-15 “glowing coneflower”

digital photo, filtered

This is a photo of another coneflower center (one that escaped a deer’s mouth!). Instead of presenting it to you in its greenishness, I used a glowing edges filter to change it up visually.

june 13

06-13-15 "even closer"
06-13-15 “even closer”

digital photo

I know, I know. I just posted a close-up of a daisy late last month. But for this (new) photo I got even closer and focused on the center of the flower even more (because I find all of the forms and textures in the center endlessly fascinating). That counts, right?

june 7

06-07-15 "tinged coneflower"
06-07-15 “tinged coneflower”

digital photo

Back into the front yard, where deer (ahem!) ate several buds on our coneflowers. This has happened in the past, but not lately. I guess we’ve been lucky the past few years. But several buds remain, and here is one working toward the day it’s ready to unfurl. I really love these flowers.

may 31

05-31-15 "daisy"
05-31-15 “daisy”

digital photo

Daisies. Such happy little flowers. I think I got these from my sister Julie’s garden. They struggled to thrive for a few years, but now they’re taking over a front bed—in a good way. I was most intrigued by the center, but the petals demanded to be included, if only partially.

may 26

05-26-15 "pink peony"
05-26-15 “pink peony”

digital photo

I couldn’t resist another peony close-up. For someone who doesn’t love the peony plant, I sure seem to be posting a lot of peony images, right? This is the orphan pink peony we moved to the back garden, which struggles because of so much shade. This bloom opened up between rain showers, so good timing for the beautiful moments of a peony’s life.