Click on images (near the top) to see larger versions. All artworks below were created by Vicki Adams and the images are protected by copyright (except work by other artists, as noted); all rights reserved.
Windblown, 24×23″ collagraph on canvasVacation Connections, 19×27″, collagraph/collageThis Way, 22×25″, collagraph-monotype-collageTable Rock, 23×19.5″, collagraph-collageLas Vegas Lights, 23×19.25″, collagraph-collageStorm Clouds Lifting, 26×30″, monoprintShort Cut To Show Low, 23×19″, collagraph-collageSanta Fe Pottery, 22×24″, relief-collageRed Dome, 22×30″, monoprint-collageOutside the Box II, 15×15″. collagraph-collageOcean Depths, 16×16″, collageNovember, 25×29″, collagraph (UNFRAMED VERSION ALSO AVAILABLE)Meteor Crater, 22×24″, collagraphLake Reflections, 21×24″, collagraphHomage to the Wesel Press, 21×18″, lithographLet Us Help You, 23×29″, transfer-coloredpencilFound Objects, 16×15″, collageArtist’s Tools, 14×12″, drypointAmelia Earhart Series: Pilot’s License, 24×19″, silkscreen-collageAmelia Earhart Series: First Plane, 24×19″, silkscreen-collageAmelia Earhart Series: Amelia Lost, 24×19″, silkscreen-collageAncient Dig, 35×27″, relief-collage-metalAerial View II, collagraph, 22×25″ After Effects, collagraph/acrylic on canvas, 9×16″Aftermath, relief/collage, 12×16″…And Not a Drop to Drink, monoprint/collage, 38×26″Ascending Chairs, monoprint, 22×30″Autumn Aerial View, mixed media, 37×31″Autumn Rain, monoprint collage, 33×25″Baskets (separately or grouped)Blue Dome with Reflections, collagraph/collage, 32×24″ (hon. mention, DM Women’s Club exhibit)Bayeta Sunset, mixed media, 20×24″Bundle of Sticks on Red, mixed media, 32×26″Bundles (available separately or grouped)Colliding Kites, monotype, 32×25″Desert Tracks, collagraph/collage, 24×20″Disappearing Planet, collagraph/collage, 41×31″Dorothy’s Chair, collagraph/acrylic on canvas, 16×15″Ellis Island File 688, mixed media, 24×18″ (about the Stroburg immigration file destroyed in fire)Fall Landscape, monoprint/collage, 33×25″Falling Sticks I, intaglio/handmade paper, 37×27″Firework Fragments, collagraph/collage, 24×30″Flood Reflections, monoprint/collage, 38×26″Gateway, monoprint/collage, 37.56×26″Homage to the Brand Press, lithograph, 21×18″ (also 21 loose prints)Homage to the Etching Press, lithograph, 21×18″ (also 22 loose prints)Laser Interruption, collagraph, 33×25″Kite Flying on the 4th of July, monotype, 20×32″Magic Sticks, monoprint/collage, 37×26″Making Connections [basement version], collagraph/collage, 41×31″Maroon Dome, woodcut/collage, 25×28″Memories, 9.5×15″Nearly Forgotten, collagraph/collage, 23×26″Once in a Blue Moon, collagraph, 25×27Outside the Box III, collage, 13×15″Planets II, collagraph, 26×38″Peaceful Solutions, handmade paper/cork, 24×30″Tetrahedrons (available separately or grouped)Sedona Bundle, handmade paper, 12×15″Silver Lining, collagraph/collage, 33×25″ (won Merit Award, Iowa Exhibited)Spring Fields, collagraph/collage, 27×30″Spring Floods, collagraph/acrylic on canvas, 9×16″State of Mind (unframed, wrapped), 26×18″ (also 1 artist’s proof copy, loose) Still Life with Apples, lithograph, 24×20″ (look at unframed, too)Strata, collagraph-collage, 24×32″The Ledges, mixed media, 24×30″Twig Pouches II, monoprint/twigs/twine, 17×14Twin Peaks, collagraph/handmade paper, 20×24″Untitled (shadowbox area), 10×8″Veiled Window, monoprint/collage, 37×26″Winter Paths, handmade paper/acrylic, 27×37″ZomeX, handmade paper, willow, 41×18″Tharsis Tectonics, collagraph, 25×31″Floating Images, collagraph, 30×23″Chair Shadows, lithograph, 24×20″Death of a Railroad, acrylic, 36×28.5″Iowa Fields, mixed media, 39×31″Doorway, collage, 16×15″RS, mixed media, 12×16″Making Connections, collagraph/collage, 27×30″First Crocus, collagraph/collage, 18×15″Nightmare, intaglio/collage, 19×22″Ruby/Patina, collage, 18×24″Ancient Guests, woodcut/collage, 19×18″Voyager, 18×20″Remembering, 26.5×38.25″Tributaries, 23.25×26.25″Convergence, 16.25×25.75″
Vicki Adams Unframed/Loose Artwork
Aerial View I, 19.5×23.5″ (3)All the King’s Horses and All the King’s Men, 22×19.5″ (2)Blue Chair, 22×19″ (3)Break Time, 18×15″ (1)Des Moines Butcher, 19.5×17″ (1)Fifteen, 9.5×10″ (2)Onions, 21×15″ (8)Green Onions-2nd state, 22×17.5″ (1)Homage to the Brand Press, 18×15″ (21)Homage to the Etching Press, 18×15″ (22)Homage to the Litho Press, 18×15″ (20)Homage to the Print Shop, 18×15″ (4)Homage to the Takach-Garfield Press, 18×15″ (8)Homage to the Wesel Press, 18×15″ (20)Imagined Spaces, 20×23″ (1)Ingenuity, 22×19″ (matted-1, loose-1)It’s a Hard Knock Life, 24×20″ (matted-1, loose-4)Lake Reflections, 19×23″ (5)Melissa, 8×7″ (22)Meteor Crater, 19×22″ (5)Mountain Series: Double Exposure, 11.5×22.5″ (4)Mountain Series: Sandia Peak, 15×13″ (3)Pineapple, 21×17.5″ (2)Rug with Flower Pots, 17×15″ (7)Recess!, woodcut, 17×20.5″ (1)Safari, woodcut, 22×17.5″ (2)Still Life with Apples, 22×18″ (12)Still Life with Wooden Spoons, lithograph, 22×18″ (10)The Bridge Players, 22.5×19″ (1)Thistle, 8×7.5″ (1)Tomboy, 12.5×9.5″ (2)Trees, 22×11″ (2)Untitled, unsigned 21.5×15.5″ (1)Untitled, unsigned (unfinished?), 12.5×17″ (1)Wasps, 6×7.5″ (1)
Artworks by Other Artists
We Live in a Slipping World, Robert Marx, 25.25×21.25″Now I Know My ABCs, Robert Marx, 21.25×25″G2, Robert Marx, 18.25×16.25″Pathways & Barriers, Mary Elizabeth Young, 15.5×17.25″Neida Hotel Plate (England), 11.25×9.25″Pewter Spoons, handmade, Jamaica (no markings), 9.25×11.25″Pewter Spoons, Amsterdam (no markings), 6.25×8.25″Ancillaceous (?), by Ferber, 21×19″Born in Mask, by Lev Alimov, 17×14″Chidambaram, by A. Bonaibaut, 30×35″Fly the Playful Path, by Diane Geiger, acrylic, 9×12″Pathways and Barriers #3, by Mary Elizabeth Young, 15×17″Red Rover, by M. Kabel, 7×5″The Waves in the Pacific Are Bigger, by Richard Black, 12×14″Untitled, by Lapointe Fontaine, 25×20″Untitled, purchased in Germany, 14×16″Untitled, by F. Anderson, 14×17″Untitled (roadscape), unsigned, 5×7″Zuni Kachina, by Gaylord Torrence, 26×19″ Hopi Kachina, by Gaylord Torrence, 26×19″Kachina Mask, by Gaylord Torrence (3rd in series, but not framed) – in BasementWhite Onion, by L. Sarefore (?), 16×12″Untitled, engraving from Italy, 12×10″Untitled, by Ada Medina, 18×21″Jabber, by Peggy Jester, 30×22″ unframed