july 11, 2017

07-11-17 "pods"
07-11-17 “pods”

digital photo

Remember those milkweed flowers? Well, this is what they’ve become. Little pods that will grow bigger and dry out and become the plant that I remember as a child in the field out back. And I saw a monarch butterfly near this plant among the coneflowers that surround it. Hope that’s a good sign!

july 9, 2017

07-09-17 "so much is in bud"
07-09-17 “so much is in bud”

digital photo

This is a beautiful hosta bud cluster. The hope of beauty, life, color, tenderness, hardiness, all wrapped into flower buds. And so much is in bud. That’s the hope.

june 26, 2017

06-26-17 "victoria"
06-26-17 “victoria”

digital photo

I have planted this annual (Victoria Blue Salvia) for years and years at our old house, so I’m continuing the tradition here. For a long time I didn’t think these were going to thrive in our heavy clay here. But now they are looking much better and have adapted, apparently. Can’t wait until these buds are in full bloom and rich color!

june 24, 2017

digital photos

I have been fascinated by the balloon flower this spring, as we have a few of these in our new backyard. Here are three stages of them. Love the colors and shapes…once again! Be sure to click on the images to see the larger versions.