november 7

11-07-15 "gourd 1"
11-07-15 “gourd 1”

digital photo

I was going to go outside this morning and take some photos to share this weekend, but I had just showered and thought better of going out in the brisk temperatures with wet hair. But, we bought some small gourds at the farmers market last weekend that were sitting out on the porch table. I took several close-up photos of these interesting gourds and this is one. (I zoomed in even closer on the computer, but didn’t use any filters.)

october 31

10-31-15 "cherish the earth"
10-31-15 “cherish the earth”

digital photo

I took this photo this summer in Glacier National Park, but it fit the quote so much (at least the last part), that I wanted to share it on here. The words are from an interview with Iowa photographer Jill J. Jensen.

And that brings to an end the “Just Make Art” series for the month of October! Happy Halloween! (And don’t forget to set your clocks back before you go to bed!)

october 16

10-16-15 "do what you have to do"
10-16-15 “do what you have to do”

digital photo (black-and-white filter applied)

This leaf is a beautiful red in the color version, but the artist I’m quoting was doing mostly black-and-white photography (or at least not the vivid color this is) so I thought I’d tone down the color for this purpose. Perhaps I’ll share the original version at some point.

Photographer/artist Dolie Thompson was living in far western Iowa near the Loess Hills when I interviewed her. I found her to be quiet yet strong, much like her artwork.

september 29

09-29-15 "alien ship"
09-29-15 “alien ship”

scanned film photograph

Unfortunately, my film-camera night sky photography experiment did not yield very good results (at least not yet—some of my film wasn’t scanned by mistake so I have to take it back to the store). On the positive side, this photo, while not focusing very well on the moon, caught a fleeting peek at the UFO on the left. 😉 Other time-consuming tasks today make this film capture of the alien ship with the moon my daily jane for today. I’ll try to do better tomorrow.

september 28

09-28-15 "super moon monday"
09-28-15 “super moon monday”

digital photo

I had a hard time deciding between this image of the super moon post-eclipse this morning, or a photo from last night during the full eclipse with rust moon and part of our house. I love the color and the form of the house in the one from last night, but the moon is definitely blurrier and the night sky is lit from a nearby streetlight. So, I opted for this morning’s better moon.

I hope you were able to experience this beautiful phenomenon live and in-person. I plan to post more photos on my artwork facebook page, including the one I describe above.

I also took some photos of the moon last night on my old film SLR camera. I’m not sure they were focused well or whether they’ll turn out at all, and I won’t find out until the film is developed and printed! Remember when we always had to wait to see our photographs?

september 13

09-13-15 "coneflower spikes"
09-13-15 “coneflower spikes”

digital photo

I’m using one of my backpocket photos of coneflower seedheads for my daily today (because it’s Sunday). I’ll say it again, I love transforming how we see a flower by zooming in close and letting us experience it anew.

september 8

09-08-15 "spent coneflower"
09-08-15 “spent coneflower”

digital photo

Scrambling to get a daily today…. I worked on some paintings, but I was just tired, uninspired, unhappy with what I did, unable to think more creatively today. So, I took this photo (one of three) of a spent (and uprooted by someone or something) coneflower from our front yard. Finches are happily grazing on the seedheads now, even though the flowers look less than lovely this time of year. Our neighbors probably don’t appreciate it, but the birds certainly do!

The other two photos will be my fallback position if I am unfortunate enough to have more of these days ahead. Carry on!